Sunday, 24 June 2012

 June 24, 2012 - Work Week Lunches

Just pulled this bad boy out of the oven.

Picked up some chicken breasts at my neighbourhood butcher shop yesterday. They make marinades in house and these particular breasts were vaguely labeled as "Asian" but from what I could see and smell there is some chili, ginger, scallion, and sesame oil in there. I baked them with slices of peeled ginger, crushed garlic cloves, onion, celery, and carrot. Then some coarsely ground sea salt and pepper with a sprinkling of cayenne topped the whole lot.

I also made a fresh salad with baby spinach, broccoli, cucumber, tomato, shallots, fig-goat cheese, and chopped almonds.

Lunches for the week.. done!

Have a great week, everyone! Please let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see on this blog.  This is for all of you, not necessarily for me. 

Be well and stay fed.


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